Monday 25 February 2013

Tips to develop self-confidence

For some persons the thought of having to meet and speak to new people will be a difficult experience. They resort to all types of escapes. They avoid social functions; postpone matters to be discussed with a superior, never make complaint about defective articles purchased and are worried about any kind of interview with a prospective employer.

To be able to face all these occasions, self-confidence is very essential. Here are some suggestions:

  • VALUE YOURSELF- Realise that the basic cause of your difficulties lies in your childhood. Something happened in those formative days which gave you the impression that you were wortless. It might be concerned with your relationship with one or the other of your parents,particularly your mother.
  • Lack of affecion,separation,faulty training -any of these could have been a bitter experience to you. At that crucial stage in your life,you received a shock from which you have never recovered. Throughout your life you have been living under the shadow of that false impression you were at fault.
  • You must now begin to do everything in your power to keep reminding yourself that all these years you have been living under a misconception. You have been misinterpreting the behaviour of others and yourself.
  • Other have not decided to exclude you. You have only imagined. You have been closing the door from your side. You are noy inferior to anyone you meet! In many ways you are their equal and in some respects their superor.  
  • Keep telling yourself that you are valuable, acceptable and capable. Remind yourself that you are special and can make a contribution to life no other person can.
  • Make a list of all your past achievements, your strong points and the qualities of which your proud. Go over this list everyday and fill your mind with positive affirmations. As you come to accept yourself, you will give yourself the value you deserve.
  • As you like yourself more and more, you will find it easier to like others. Improve yourself in every way. If you feel your education is deficient, resolve to do something about it. Enrol for a course, work for better qualification, build up your vocabulary. A few years of determined effort can do wonders. Improve your appearances, Stand before a mirror and give yourself a pleasant positive look.

If you follow these tips You will definetly achive your goal in your life.

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